Name Nihonkikaku Co.,Ltd.
HQ location 6-21-16, Honcho,Funabashi,
Chiba 273-0005, Japan
TEL +81-47-426-0026
FAX +81-47-426-6071
Established April 1974
Capital 320 million yen
Representative Tetsuo Toshi, Chairman
Teppei Toshi, CEO
Vice President
Tomoyuki Kobayashi
General Manager, Business
Executive Director
Shinya Mataki
General Manager, Sales
Toshio Yanai
General Manager, Operations Director
Outside Director
Yuji Koga
Part-time Auditor
Nobuhiro Sakae
Part-time Auditor
Toshio Chigusa
Employees 834 (As of December 31, 2023)
Sales 6.16 billion yen (FY2023)
Closing date End of December
Tokyo Office
#703 Uchisaiwaicho Dai Bldg.,
1-3-3, Uchisaiwaicho, Chiyoda-ku,
Tokyo 100-0011, Japan
TEL:+81-3-5157-6033 (Reception desk)
FAX:+81-3-3503-6063 (Reception desk)
Osaka Office
4-9-7, Nshinakajima,
Yodogawa-ku, Osaka-shi,
Osaka 532-0011, Japan
TEL:+81-6-6305-0119 (Reception desk)
FAX:+81-6-6305-0420 (Reception desk)
Yokohama Office
16-5-2, Ogimachi, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi,
Kanagawa 231-0027, Japan
TEL:+81-45-681-5801 (Reception desk)
FAX:+81-45-681-5833 (Reception desk)
Tokunoshima Resort Hotel & Office
1-1410, Shoda, Tokunoshimacho, Oshimagun,
Kagoshima 891-7112, Japan
TEL:+81-997-83-3501 (Reception desk)
FAX:+81-997-83-3521 (Reception desk)
Business outline 1.Development solutions
2.Operation solutions
3.Infrastructure solutions
4.Service desk
5.IT staff dispatch
6.Information security measures consulting
Organization chart
Click to expand
Group company アビリティクリエイト ハートフルNKC SUCCESS Software Service
Dispatch business license General Worker Dispatching Undertaking Dispatch 12-090034
Information on margin rates, etc. Funabashi Head Office
Osaka Branch
Yokohama Branch
Certification ISO27001:2013
Operation support for package systems based on customer requirements (maintenance, monitoring, help desk, etc.)
Commissioned development and maintenance of software based on customer requirements
Identification number:10820453(09)
Correspondent banks MUFJ Bank,Ltd.
Mizuho Bank, Ltd.
The Chiba Bank, Ltd.
The Chiba Kogyo Bank, Ltd.
Corporate profile Corporate profile(PDF:12,217KB)


Ⅰ.Respect for the individual

The company and each member of our specialist personnel will assist employees in efforts to improve themselves, and realize their full potential through work.
Employees will be treated well, receiving fair pay raises and promotions based on their abilities and performance.
Rather than one-way communication from the company or specialists, we will endeavor to actively listen to feedback from employees and thoroughly consider various opinions in order to make the best possible decision.

Ⅱ.The best customer service

We will ascertain customer needs and help predict possible future customer needs.
We will work to ensure that customers can make use of NKC products and services in the best way possible.
We will provide superior maintenance and support services.

Ⅲ.The pursuit of completeness

We will take the initiative in developing new products and business.
We will keep an eye on developments outside the company and make modifications if there is room for improvement, always incorporating elements that meet the needs of employees.
We will develop quality products (software) at the lowest cost possible using the most advanced designs.

Ⅳ.Unsurpassed management

We will lead in a way that motivates staff so that they can produce superior results.
We will create frequent opportunities to talk to all employees.
We will have the bravery to question whether or not decisions and policies are problematic, and maintain a vision that is not only in line with one’s own department or staff, but with the needs of the entire company.
We will prepare for the future by always keeping an eye out for new ideas, no matter where they may come from.

Ⅴ.Duty to shareholders

We will manage the assets shareholders have entrusted to NKC.
Attractive dividends will be paid in regard to invested funds.
We will continue to raise profits and develop opportunities for promising growth.

Ⅵ.Fair purchase transactions

We will select our clients with the utmost care in consideration of product and service quality, overall reliability, and price.
Trade agreements will be fulfilled in good faith, in consideration of legitimate profits for both the client and NKC.
We will endeavor to avoid over-reliance on NKC by clients.

Ⅶ.Contribution to society

NKC will work to fulfill its role as a member of the local community, the nation, and the globe.
NKC believes that free competition is the most beneficial for short and long term public interests, and will actively engage in competition in the spirit of fair play, respecting both our competitors and the law.
We will actively support the pursuit of creating an environment that is suitable for residents in which to work and live wherever NKC facilities are located.
NKC will actively work toward providing equal opportunities to all in our operations in every domain, regardless of race, skin color, creed, nationality, age, or gender.


Since our founding in 1974, NKC has finally reached the stage where we can aim to be a 100-year, 10 billion yen company. This is thanks to the support of our customers and business partners, as well as the hard work of our employees.

With the future goal of becoming a 100-year, 10 billion yen company, we have drafted, and are about to put into action a new grand design. The grand design consists of four elements.

The first is stepping up as a system integration (SI) company. Up to now, a pillar of our business model has been positioning ourselves as a continuous SE for major SI enterprises, however, we are now shifting to accepting orders directly from end users.

The second is stepping up to become a public company. An internal control system and an information disclosure system for shareholders are essential to becoming a listed company. These processes will improve our corporate value, help procure funding, and lead to hiring the advanced IT personnel required to step up to becoming an SI company.

The third element is the transition to a holding framework. Our business covers many areas, and it can sometimes be difficult to identify sources of revenue. On the other hand, because the human resources evaluation system is uniform when it should be divided by job type, it is difficult to maintain fairness in evaluations. As such, we aim to clarify the roles of marketing and management, and improve employee motivation by making the Business Division into a company.

Lastly is making a foray overseas. Globalization and the development of transportation networks have transformed economies from being limited to one’s own country to spanning national borders. Until now, industries such as automobiles, precision instruments, and manufacturing have driven the Japanese economy, and the IT industry joining the borderless world is particularly significant in maintaining Japan’s capabilities as an economic power. History shows that the presence of strong companies is linked to national strength.

The road to becoming a 100-year, 10 billion dollar company is difficult, but with a strong sense of responsibility, we swear to execute our grand design and become a presence that drives society and the economy.

Tetsuo Toshi, CEO,
Nihonkikaku Co.,Ltd.


The establishment of Nihon Kikaku Center Inc.

TOPICS The establishment of Nihon Kikaku Center Inc.

In the summer of 1973, our founder Seijiro Toshi was asked to handle the Entry Division as part of the task of launching the Chiba sales branch of Tokei Computer Co., Ltd. (currently listed on the TSE First Section), so he began preparations to go into business.
The first oil crisis struck the world in October of the same year, throwing the world into chaos. Despite the situation, he hired five keypunch operators as promised in January 1974 and started the business.
Capital of one million yen
Data entry operations begin
Capital increased to 4 million yen
Capital increased to 8 million yen
System design and contracted programing development begins
Yokohama Office opened
Business Development and Planning Session created
Capital increased to thirty million yen
Name changed from Nihon Kikaku Center Inc. to Nihonkikaku Co.,Ltd.

TOPICS Name changed from Nihon Kikaku Center Inc. to Nihonkikaku Co.,Ltd.

The company name was changed to reflect the founder’s desire to expand into other, non-computer related fields with a view to the future.
Exclusive primary agreement signed with IBM Japan
IBM office computer sales begin (exclusive dealer contract dissolved)
Osaka Office opened
Capital increased to 60 million yen
Capital increased to 90 million yen
Construction completed on NKC Training Center (closed after HQ relocation)
HQ relocated due to expanding business (HQ consolidated for each sales area)
Capital increased to 150 million yen
Shin-Funabashi HQ building purchased, HQ relocated

TOPICSShin-Funabashi HQ building purchased, HQ relocated

Three years after the bubble burst in Japan (1995), our management methods were revamped, and the company miraculously bounced back, with various trust banks asking if we would like to purchase the building.
With underfloor wiring, air conditioning, a parking lot, etc., it was truly the intelligent building we had imagined, and the decision was made to purchase it for our HQ.
Ever since the HQ was relocated, we have grown to become a top performing company with net profits in the 100 million yen range.
Tokunoshima Resort Hotel & Office opened

TOPICSTokunoshima Resort Hotel & Office opened

This property was built in 1989 in Tokunoshima, the hometown of the founder and his family, and an unspoiled sightseeing area. When it was put up for sale, the company acquired it as an employee survival training area and computer software development facility in the great outdoors in anticipation of the Internet eliminating time and regional differences. It was renamed the Tokunoshima Resort Hotel & Office.
Capital increased to 225 million yen
Construction completed on new HQ building (additional wing added)
Tokyo Branch opened
Construction completed on new building at Osaka Branch
Joined Tokyo Information Service Industry Health Insurance Association
Capital increased to 275 million yen
Acquired PrivacyMark

TOPICSPersonal information protection management system

Registration number:10820453 (09)
Granted to:Nihonkikaku Co.,Ltd.
Basic policy:Personal information protection policy
Matters of public record:Pertaining to retained personal information
Capital increased to 320 million yen
Joined the Japan Information Technology Services Industry Association
Construction completed on new building at Yokohama Branch
ISO 27001 certified

TOPICSInformation security management system

Registration number:ISM20168
Registration scope:Operation support for package systems based on customer requirements
(maintenance, monitoring, help desk, etc.)
Basic policy:Information security basic policy
ISO 9001 certified

TOPICSQuality management system

Registration number:QMS40470
Registration scope:Commissioned development and maintenance of software based on customer requirements
Basic policy:Quality policy
Joined NPO Japan Network Security Association
Tokyo Office opened
Acquired Excellent Health Enterprise Gold Certification

TOPICSAcquired Excellent Health Enterprise Gold Certification

Presented by Tokyo Health Insurance Federation


Head Office


Tokyo Office


Osaka Branch


Yokohama Branch


Tokunoshima Resort Hotel & Office